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STEAM周六是十大买球平台的一个项目,提供有趣的活动, hands-on learning, 以及旨在促进创造性和批判性思维的演示. This series is offered to families once a month from 9:30am-11:30am.

7岁及以上儿童5美元,6岁及以下儿童免费. Members are FREE. 所有游客凭EBT/SNAP/WIC或寄养信和有效身份证件免费参观博物馆. Advance registration is highly recommended.

**This is a drop-in style event. 一旦注册,您可以在9:30 -11:30之间的任何时间进出.

What is STEAM learning?  STEAM学习是一种整合科学的教育策略, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math to encourage inquiry, discussion and problem-solving.  

Upcoming STEAM Saturday Events: 


从2024年开始,STEAM周六将在一个新的时间举行:上午9:30.m. to 11:30 a.m.

January 13th, 2024: Fun with Fonts! 

让我们来研究一下版式:字母和字体的设计,这些字母和字体充斥着我们的生活,每天围绕着我们. 了解不同的字体风格,在霓虹灯Boneyard展出,如西方字体,如Sassy Sally的, mid-century modern like Yucca Motel, and cursive like the Moulin Rouge. This Saturday try your hand at writing in cursive, design the letters in your name, 并添加自己的触摸到我们的巨型协作着色页.

Register for STEAM Saturday: Fun with Fonts!

February 10th, 2024: Think Like an Architect  

Ever wondered what it would be like to be an architect? 这个月,我们将浏览霓虹墓地,了解建筑和我们的收藏之间的联系. 拉孔查大厅是如何归入Googie Architecture的? 建筑师保罗·里维尔·威廉姆斯是如何绘制他的蓝图的? 你将学习所有这一切,同时释放你的建筑技能,通过建立一个3-D摩天大楼, designing the blueprints for your very own dreamhouse, building bridges from around the world, and much more. 

Register for STEAM Saturday: Think Like an Architect

March 16th, 2024: Let’s Make Music 

Move and shake on down to this STEAM Saturday! 这个月让我们在Neon Boneyard获得groovy,并了解音乐与我们收藏中的标志性地点之间的联系, 比如在星尘酒店和赌场的金姐妹和90年代在阿拉丁的国际流浪乐队音乐节. 通过创建自己的节奏彩蛋来发现音乐的乐趣, experience actual musicians playing their instruments, spend time learning sheet music with BoomWhackers, 并了解音乐是如何与Neon系列紧密相连的!

Registration coming soon!

April 13th, 2024: Exploring Nature in Nevada  

在本月的STEAM周六与我们一起探索自然和可持续发展! 这个月,我们将通过了解尤卡树和沙漠玫瑰,将美丽的内华达自然与霓虹墓地联系起来。尤卡树和沙漠玫瑰启发了尤卡汽车旅馆的标志,沙漠玫瑰启发了沙漠玫瑰汽车旅馆. We’ll explore the native animals of the Nevada desert, 发现更可持续的生活方式意味着什么, learn about water conservation, create artwork with recycled materials, and much more. 

Registration coming soon!

May 18th, 2024: Motion Commotion     

让你的孩子探索运动的动态交集, force/motion, 艺术是一种引人入胜的互动学习体验. 我们将从一个体育迷的角度来看霓虹灯墓地, 通过Neon Boneyard的寻宝游戏将我们的收藏与运动联系起来. 我们将在墓地中穿行,去了解plana的屋顶匹克球, lacrosse at Mandalay Bay, 星尘酒店的国际赛马场和热带酒店的“爱来”.  我们将在弹珠赛跑中开始学习物理, try to beat gravity through the art of hula hooping, and get moving with a boneyard obstacle course. 这是一个充满运动的STEAM星期六,你不想错过.

Registration coming soon!

June 22nd, 2024: Lights, Camera, Action  

拉斯维加斯是一个非常强大的娱乐产业的发源地.  Clowns, magicians, dancers, actors, singers, musicians, comedians, writers, 来自世界各地的设计师在我们的城市实践他们的手艺.  这个月,我们将看看霓虹墓地的收藏,并与那些把拉斯维加斯当作家的艺人联系起来.  让我们通过制作个性化的木偶来探索不同的娱乐职业, designing show posters, practicing our performance skills, and much more!

Registration coming soon!

July 13th, 2024: Think Like a Curator   

What does a curator do? 如果没有馆长的帮助,霓虹墓地就不会有今天的样子, 那么让我们来了解一下策展,以及它们在十大买球平台中扮演的重要角色. 当我们在策展和我们的收藏之间架起一座桥梁, you will design your own mini exhibit, complete a condition report, discover the challenges of an outdoor museum, test your skills at historic paint matching, 并了解保护我们的藏品的一切.

Registration coming soon!

August 24th, 2024: Creating with Color    

Do you love colors? Want to learn how they work and how to use them? 然后加入我们的丰富多彩的活动,探索科学, art of color, and how that connects to our Neon Boneyard collection. You’ll learn how to mix colors, create optical illusions, learn about color psychology for signs, and make your own rainbow. 不要错过这个用创造力点亮你一天的机会! 

Registration coming soon!

September 21st, 2024: Glow On!    

So, why do neon signs glow? 我们将在这个STEAM周六给你答案! 这个月,我们将通过Neon Boneyard系列来发现霓虹灯的嗡嗡声, that neon signs aren’t just neon, and so much more. 我们将一起发现为什么动物会通过生物发光而发光, create your glow in the dark slime, and so much more. This is a glowing Saturday, you won’t forget.

Registration coming soon!

October 2024   

More information coming soon for your ducklings!

Registration coming soon!

November 16th, 2024: All About Weather!   

Rain or Shine let’s learn about weather! 这个月我们将学习天气如何影响霓虹墓地. We’ll create our own prints using sonography, learn about wind through designing your own pinwheel, discover how lightning and thunder form, 并深入了解不同类型的天气如何影响霓虹墓地.

Registration coming soon!

December 14th, 2024: Investigating Electricity   

Are you ready to spark some fun with your family? 加入我们的电气化事件,在那里你会发现电的奇迹. 在整个霓虹墓地,我们潜入一个寻宝游戏,在那里我们将了解霓虹嗡嗡声, the different types of lightbulbs used in the boneyard, and how units of neon are like Christmas lights.  你将通过纸质电路发现电路的艺术, create static electricity with balloons, see how lightning is created, what sustainable energy means in Nevada, and much more.

Registration coming soon!


STEAM Saturdays is sponsored by Meow Wolf, Cox Charities, and the Nevada Arts Council, a state agency, 得到国家艺术基金会的支持, a federal agency, and the state of Nevada. 

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